Archaeology labs

Archaeology Lab


The archaeology lab houses research collections, workstations and provides bench space for graduate student and faculty research projects.

Collections include stone tools (archaeological examples, casts and replicas) that offer students the opportunity to study material of different ages from all over the world and to learn about a wide variety of techniques from flint knapping to grinding. The lab is equipped with computers, microscopes and digitizing equipment available to support student research.

Students in our department have benefitted from having access to state-of-the-art lab facilities in other departments, for example ICP-MS facilities in the Earth and Ocean Sciences Department. The lab provides a focal point for volunteer networks and a gathering place for students and faculty with interests in archaeology.


Environmental Archaeology Lab


The Environmental Archaeology supports faculty and student research in environmental archaeology. This brighly lit space includes a heavy duty sink for processing sediment samples, multiple workstations, countertops, a fume hood for sampling material for isotopic, radiocarbon, and other geochemical analyses and trays for storage and analyses of artifacts.